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The Urban Oracle

At The Urban Oracle, Nina's mission is to offer the comfort, guidance, and healing that comes from connecting with the spirit world, sharing the insights she's gained through her experiences, and embracing her calling with open arms. It's a journey that has led her from a place of silence to a platform of illumination, where she is ready to shine her light for all to see and experience. We are here to offer you the opportunity to explore your spiritual connections, gain clarity on life's challenges, and embark on a transformative path toward a deeper understanding of your life's purpose. For your convenience, comfort, and accessibility, we offer a variety of remote readings and spiritual life coaching in Palm Beach County, Florida, designed to support and guide you on your unique spiritual journey.

woman with eyeglasses smiling

Mission Statement

To help you heal and show up as the very best version of yourself through Transformative, Soul-Level Coaching.

Vision Statement

To provide empowering guidance and support that promotes healing, self-love, and compassion for oneself and others.

two women having a conversation